What is ServSafe?
ServSafe has become the industry standard in food safety training and provides accurate, up‐to‐date information for all levels of employees on all aspects of handling food, from receiving and storing to preparing and serving.
This course is designed to provide Food handlers with updated principles of safe food handling.
Upon successful completion of this course and exam, participants receive a Certificate of Completion from ServSafe.
Course Objectives
Basic Food SafetyPersonal Hygiene
Cross-contamination and Allergens Time and Temperature Cleaning and Sanitation
Instructor: LaSonya White, 4-H Agent, Virginia Cooperative Extension
For more information, please visit the ServSafe website at www.servsafe.com and click on Food Handlers Program.
Registration Fee: $20 per person. Includes all course materials, book, and certification exam. Please fill out the registration form on the following page. *Must be pre registered to attend.
Questions: Please contact Taneka Womble at (804) 834-1309 or Taneka83@vt.edu