Joint Public Hearing
When: April 1, 2019 06:00 PM until 08:00 PM Eastern Time Zone
Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission
Event Details:

The Sussex County Planning Commission and the Sussex County Board of Supervisors will hold a Joint Public Hearing to discuss and consider proposed amendments to the Sussex County Comprehensive Plan and the Sussex County Zoning Ordinance as briefly described below.

Comprehensive Plan Amendments

Proposed Amendments to the Sussex County Comprehensive Plan

Chapter II: Concerns and Aspirations, section B. Issues and Existing and Emerging Conditions, add a new subsection:

23. Utility-scale Solar Facilities

Sub-section 23 describes what a utility-scale solar facility is and sets forth guidelines for where such uses might be located in the county and under what general parameters.

Zoning Ordinance Amendment #2019-01

An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Ordinance of Sussex County as follows:

Amend Article I, Section 16-1, Definitions, to include the meanings of the following: Applicant, Brownfield, Disturbance zone, Integrated PV, Operator, Owner, Photovolatic of “PV,” Rated capacity, Site, Solar facility (small-scale), Solar Facility (medium-scale) and Solar Facility (utility scale).

Add Utility-scale solar facilities to Article XII. Site Plan Requirements, Section 16-202 (When required).

Add a new Article XXIII, Solar Facilities, to include, but not limited to, the following sections: Statement of intent, Applicability, Zoning districts, Applications and procedures, Neighborhood meeting, Minimum Development standards, Decommissioning, Coordination of local emergency services, and Conditions.

Zoning Ordinance Amendment #2019-02

An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Ordinance of Sussex County as follows:

Amend Article II, General Agricultural District, Section 16-22, Use Regulations by deleting sub-section (32) which allows towing/wrecker operations with a conditional use permit.

Amend Article VIII, General Business District, Section 16-140, Use Regulations by adding sub-section (54) Towing/Wrecker Operations.

Any persons desiring to be heard in favor of or in opposition to the above is hereby invited to be present at the Public Hearing to be held on April 1, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at the General District Courtroom, Sussex County Judicial Center, 15098 Courthouse Road, Sussex, Virginia.

Any interested person may stop and review the associated materials and case file at the Sussex County Community Development Office, during regular business hours Monday thru Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 20135 Princeton Road, Sussex, Virginia 23884. Anyone needing assistance or accommodation under the American with Disabilities Act should call the County Administrator’s Office at least five (5) days prior the public hearing.

Authorized by:
Vandy V. Jones, III
County Administrator
3/17/2019 & 3/24/2019

Download Notice of Joint Public Hearing 

Location: 15098 Courthouse Road, Sussex, VA, 23884
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