Request for Proposals #2020-01: General Reassessment Services
Request for Proposals #2020-01: General Reassessment Services
The Appraiser's role is to work with the County of Sussex and serve as a professional assessor in order to establish the fair market value of each of the properties within the County, and with the understanding that in all cases, uniformity and equality are required under the laws of the State of Virginia with respect to class and/or property.


The County of Sussex, Virginia is located in the southeastern portion of the Commonwealth of Virginia with a population of approximately 12,000. The county has 9,575 parcels of real estate at the time of this request for proposal and of that number 8,979 is taxable and 602 is nontaxable. The County is on a four (4) year reassessment cycle with the last general assessment effective for the tax year January 1, 2018. The successful appraisal firm shall perform and provide all the services and products required for the completion and delivery of the property assessment of all real property within the County of Sussex, effective for the tax year 2022 including all necessary technical and administrative assistance services in connection with such undertaking.

The Appraiser shall make a complete, uniform reassessment of all real property within the County, excluding public service properties and including the inventory and valuation of all nontaxable (exempt) properties and the classification of all real property in accordance with the requirements of the State of Virginia. The values to be estimated in all cases shall be 100% fair market value as required by the Virginia Constitution and applicable Virginia statutes. Generally, the Courts of Virginia have defined fair market value as follows:

"The fair market value of a property is the price which it will bring when offered for sale by one who desires, but is under no duress to sell and is brought by one who is under no undue necessity of buying, with both buyer and seller being knowledgeable of the uses to which the property is adaptable.”

The Appraiser's role is to work with the County of Sussex and serve as a professional assessor in order to establish the fair market value of each of the properties within the County, and with the understanding that in all cases, uniformity and equality are required under the laws of the State of Virginia with respect to class and/or property. All aspects of this reassessment program shall be conducted in accordance with the laws of the State of Virginia. The property reassessment will begin within fifteen (15) days from the awarding of the contract and will be completed by November 30, 2021 with any extensions only as necessary and authorized under the Code of Virginia.

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