Sussex County Community Newsletter - Fall
Sussex County Community Newsletter - Fall
Good Things are Happening in Sussex County!

Fall Newsletter

Inside this IssueFall Newsletter - Volume 1 - Issue 2

County's General Reassessment

The County of Sussex will be having the next general reassessment beginning of August 2016. A private firm will be hired by County to reassess all properties in Sussex County, which is in accordance with the requirements of VA Code Section 58.1-3250. The new reassessed values will go into effect on January 1, 2018.

The Sussex County Board of Supervisors has voted and passed that the next general reassessment process will be done on a four-year cycle vs. six-year cycle. On a four-year cycle, the Commissioner of the Revenue feels that this will benefit the citizens of Sussex County with more efficiency in properties being assessed at the fair market value.

By the latter part of 2017, the citizens of Sussex County and outside agencies will have access to GIS (Geographic Information System). Tax information for real estate will be available online.

Chairman's Corner

Chairman Blowe, along with other elected leaders , met on July 29th in Fluvanna County to complete the VA Certified County Supervisors’ Program class, Part 2 of “Inventing Your County’s Future: The Role of Community Planning”. Chairman Blowe has completed another step to being a certified supervisor!

Environmental Inspections

Atlantic Waste and the Environmental Inspections Department have been working diligently to improve the cleanliness and overflow issues that we have had in the past at the 9 Convenience Sites located within the County. Currently Atlantic Waste has contracted with a Division of Chesapeake Waste Management to help aid in achieving these goals. They have been on board for a few weeks now and I hope that you can see a noticeable difference in appearance at each of the Convenience Sites. We will continue to improve these sites moving forward.

Save the Date:

Amnesty Days for Waste Disposal
September 14th - 17th

Please bring all white goods, tires, furniture etc.. to the Landfill located on Rt. 602.

Virginia Cooperative Extension - Sussex & Surry Counties

We are excited to have our New 4-H Youth Development Extension Agent, Mr. James Mason on board with Virginia Cooperative Extension. Mr. Mason started on June 25, 2016 and is excited about making the best better here in Sussex County, VA.

Please feel free to stop by the VCE office and meet Mr. Mason or he can be reached at (804) 834-1309, ext. 21,

Housing News

The County of Sussex has been a leader in this region in administering programs to address the housing needs of its most vulnerable citizens. To date, this leadership continues to provide the County of Sussex an opportunity to invest in housing solutions that promotes safe, sanitary, decent and affordable housing, impacting the community, improving the quality of life by assisting “one family at time” to become productive citizens.

For additional information on these and other resources, contact the Sussex County Housing Office at (804) 834-1302 ext. 28.

About the Town

The Improvement Association

On August 3, 2016, the Improvement Association held its Groundbreaking Ceremony for The Improvement Association Education Center located on Coppahaunk Avenue, Waverly, VA 23890. The Improvement Association’s Board of Directors, Staff, Community Partners, Town of Waverly Mayor and members of the community were present to commemorate the special occasion.

Foster Care Reunification

In June, VDSS celebrated the accomplishments of the many parents who work tremendously hard to overcome challenges and barriers in order to have their children’s custody returned to them. We also celebrate the many foster parents, child welfare professionals, attorneys, judges, treatment providers, and family members who support them in this work. Family reunification is the process of returning a child to his or her family of origin following a placement in foster care. In Virginia, not only is reunification the primary goal for children in foster care, it is also the most common outcome.

Research finds that children do best when raised in their own families, whenever possible. In order to successfully achieve reunification, challenges associated with the birth parents must be thoroughly addressed as the child’s safety and well-being are paramount. This requires the support of the child welfare professionals and the child’s foster parents.

To learn more about reunification, visit

Free & Confidential Wellness Screenings

Date: September 15, 2016
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Location: Social Services Conference Room, Newsome Human Services Building, 20103 Princeton Road, Stony Creek, VA 23882

To sign up, please contact Louise Brucato at 434.246.1004,


$50,000 available to aid Virginia residents displaced by February storms Richmond, VA (June 13, 2016) – The Southside Virginia Association of REALTORS® (SVAR), in conjunction with the Virginia Association of REALTORS® (VAR), has been awarded funds by the national REALTOR® Relief Foundation to support Virginia residents affected by the destructive tornadic storms in late February of this year. Responding to the ongoing need of rehousing those who were displaced by damage and loss, the Southside Virginia Association, along with VAR, will administer the funds through an online application process, open now to residents in the affected communities through

“Parts of Sussex County were decimated by storms in late February,” according to 2016 SVAR President Ron Hardy. “We hope these REALTOR® funds will to ease the ongoing challenge for neighbors who lost homes or whose homes have been too damaged to live in since the tornadoes.”

The REALTOR® Relief Foundation (RRF) is a charitable foundation governed by the National Association of REALTORS® and dedicated to providing housingrelated assistance to victims of disasters. Funds are generated by individual member gifts and contributions from state and local associations across the country.

The REALTOR® association will review applications and issue funds directly to eligible residents until the money is fully expended. RRF guidelines specify the qualifications for receiving support. Direct financial assistance through this fund is exclusively for housing relief in the areas severely affected and for victims who lost or sustained significant damage to a primary residence. Each applicant is eligible for up to $1,200 in support for either mortgage expense or the cost of temporary shelter due to displacement from a damaged or lost home.

Citing the housing challenge that remains even months after the crisis, 2016 VAR President Bill White says, “As ambassadors of our communities, REALTORS® are on the frontlines of restoring what is fundamental to the comfort of each and every one of us – a home. With these funds we can now supplement the generosity and assistance that the Virginians have offered since the first hours of the storm.”

**Information provided by: Virginia Association of REALTORS® Contact: Martin Johnson, Chief of Policy & Advocacy Email: Telephone: (804) 514-9830 (newsletter)


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