Due to the ongoing COVID health crisis and the limited space available due to social distancing practices, if attending in person face coverings will be required and social distancing measures will be followed. Anyone needing assistance or accommodation under the provisions of the American Disabilities Act should call the County Administrator’s Office at 434-246-1000.
A copy of the proposed Zoning Text Amendment and Conditional Use Permit Application along with supporting documentation are available for review in the Community Development Office during regular business hours Monday thru Friday from 8:00am to 4:30pm
Pursuant to Article II, Division 2, Section 34-222, subsection (e) of the Zoning Ordinance, the applicant, Atlantic Waste Disposal, Inc., seeks a zoning text amendment. The current language code language reads as follows: “Any sanitary landfill operation shall be located at least one mile from any residence, school or business, public facility and church and at least 750 feet from any property line.” The request is to add the following language after the word church, “, except that this distance may be reduced to one-half mile provided no more than five (5) such uses are less than a mile from the landfill,”
Pursuant to Article II Section 34-217, subsection (29) of the zoning ordinance, the applicant, Atlantic Waste Disposal, Inc., seeks a conditional use permit for expansion of the existing land fill site to the following parcels: 15-A-4, 15-A-6, and 15-A-8. The new parcels will add approximately 570 acres to the existing land fill Site. The project is located in the Blackwater/Waverly district. East of US 460, fronting on SR 602 and is part of the current 1,315-acre existing Atlantic Waste Disposal land fill site. The proposal is to add the additional acreage for construction of 3 new disposal cells.
Authorized by:
Richard Douglas
County Administrator