Announcement (1/12/2022): The Sussex County Sheriff's Office Crime Stoppers Number has changed. It is 434-597-4400.
Sussex County Sheriff's Office is now partners with P3 Community.
Download Press Release
Let's Work Together to Make Sussex County a Better Place to Live and Work!
Sheriff Ernest L. Giles, Sr. and his staff stand ready to work with the citizens to make Sussex County a better place to live and work. In 2002, the Sheriff's Office was involved in planning and acquiring a new public safety radio system that will bring fire, rescue and police communications into the 21st century.
His office was also involved in the County's efforts to contract with Verizon to provide a new 9-1-1 telephone system.
The new system is based on the latest multiple area code numbers and provides a more exact location of a wireless 9-1-1 caller via Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) technology.
The Sheriff's Office continues to work with our children through the DARE Program and have two Deputies assigned full-time in the High School and Middle School as School Resource Officers.
During 2002, the Sheriff's Office answered a total of 2,879 calls for service from citizens. Deputies made 802 criminal arrests, issued 4,547 traffic summons, served 6,099 court papers, and handled security for 171 court days.
Are you interested in a rewarding career in the field of Law Enforcement?
Sussex County Sheriff's Office may be your ticket for a secure future.
Sussex County Crime Stoppers
Call 434-597-4400 to report a crime or tip.
External Links
Sussex County Sheriff's Website
Ernest L. Giles, Sr.
Sheriff of Sussex County
Physical Address:
20212 Thornton Square
Sussex, Virginia 23884
Mailing Address:
Post Office Box 1326
Sussex, Virginia 23884
(434) 246-5000
(434) 246-5714