- Inventory and liquidate unused county assets to gain revenue and reduce county costs.
- Interact with the incorporated towns located in the county on an annual basis to discuss matters of mutual interest as well as foster a spirit of cooperation.
- Add a capital maintenance component to the county’s CIP inclusive of life cycle costs.
- Identify the range of revenue options the county can use to finance local government programs and services.
- Explore options for delivering county services in collaboration with another locality, the private sector or the nonprofit sector.
- Conduct an office space inventory/needs study to determine the optimum physical space county staff need to perform their duties efficiently and effectively.
- Commit leverage revenue generated by Atlantic Waste to reduce county costs.
The Board of Supervisors meets every Third Thursday of each month at 6:00PM.
Upcoming Meetings Agendas & Minutes
Board of Supervisors Virtual Meetings
View Live and Archived Virtual Meetings on the Official Sussex County Government YouTube Channel.
Hon. Wayne O. Jones
Chairman of the Board of Supervisors
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