- A subdivision is the division of any tract, parcel or lot of land into to (2) or more parts.
- A plat shall be prepared and stamped by a licensed surveyor and submitted to and approved by the County subdivision agent.
- All subdivisions created for residential purposes shall require a residential zoning classification.*
*Residential Subdivisions Exempt from Residential Zoning Requirements:
The subdivision agent may permit the separation of a parcel from a tract of land without complying with the residential zoning requirement, as follows:
- Agricultural Subdivisions
- A division or partition of agricultural land for bona fide agricultural purposes.
- Pursuant to the Sussex County Subdivision Ordinance the division of a tract of agricultural land for bona fide agricultural purposes may be created subject to approval of a subdivision plat by the Department of Planning and Zoning.
- Approval will prohibit residential zoning applications from being initiated on such newly created lots for a minimum period of ten (10) years. A statement indicating that the lots are for agricultural purposes only and are subject to the above stated time limitation shall be clearly noted on the recorded plat.
- Family Divisions
- Pursuant to the Sussex County Subdivision Ordinance the division of any tract, parcel or lot of land into two (2) or more parts, for the building site for members of the immediate family is permitted. Members of the immediate family shall be limited to son, daughter, father, mother, brother, sister, grandchild or grandparent. The following verbiage is required on the plat prior to receiving the approval of the zoning administrator.
- The lot shall meet the required minimum road frontage for the A-1 zoning district.
- Required Plat Verbiage for Family Divisions of Land
- Pursuant to the Sussex County Subdivision Ordinance the division of any tract, parcel or lot of land into two (2) or more parts, for the building site for members of the immediate family is permitted. Members of the immediate family shall be limited to son, daughter, father, mother, brother, sister, grandchild or grandparent. The following verbiage is required on the plat prior to receiving the approval of the zoning administrator.
This lot of parcel is being conveyed to (name of family member) (relationship to owner), who is an immediate family member as defined in the subdivision ordinance Sussex, Virginia Section 2-30-2, item 6C.
No family divisions shall be transferred for a period of ten (10) years, except for the purpose of securing a construction loan and/ or bona fide refinancing. During the ten (10) year period following the creation of lots by family division, no sale of any such lot shall be made to any person other than the immediate family member as defined above unless such lots are subject to involuntary transfer such as by foreclosure, death, judicial sale, condemnation bankruptcy. Divorce or any circumstance deems appropriate by the agent upon application.
- Farmette Subdivisions
- Any subdivider may subdivide property to create up to two (2) farmettes of one (1) acre or more provided:
- No more than two (2) farmettes shall be served by the same public way or a dedicated easement; and
- The public way or dedicated easement serving one (1) or two (2) farmettes must be at least fifty (50) feet in width for ingress and egress from said farmettes to an existing public highway.
- Any subdivider may subdivide property to create up to two (2) farmettes of one (1) acre or more provided:
- Lot Around An Existing Dwelling (in existence as of January 19, 1962)
- A lot may be created around a dwelling (and its accessory buildings) in existence as of the date of the original adoption of the Sussex County Subdivision Ordinance.
- The minimum lot area shall be forty thousand (40,000) square feet whether or not in a field or pasture.
- If the lot is in a field or pasture, an access way of twenty (20) foot minimum width shall be provided to a public street or road.
- A lot may be created around a dwelling (and its accessory buildings) in existence as of the date of the original adoption of the Sussex County Subdivision Ordinance.
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Physical Address:
20135 Princeton Road
Sussex, VA 23884
Mailing Address:
Post Office Box 1397
Sussex, VA 23884
Office Hours:
8:00a.m. to 4:30p.m. M-F
(434) 246-1043
(434) 246-2175